The third installment in my serialised novel 'I Was A Teenage Antichrist'. I'm sorry for the delay, but I've struggled a little with this part as it required a bit of research.
Sorry its a bit long (10,000 odd words), it's just that the first part of the book is a series of novellas which later become tied into the whole fabric. Thanks for bearing with me.
Anyhow, this is the edited version, though comments always appreciated. Those of a delicate religious (or otherwise) disposition should steer clear of it or risk being turned into a pillar of salt.
Have you read Master and Margarita? Your title makes me think of it - one of my all-time favourite books, along with Heart of a Dog!
Will read your piece. (I may be a little slow responding due to word count, but will get there. Promise!)
Thanks Ani. No, I haven't heard of that book at all. Don't tell me it's about the same thing!
No, it's just the Pontius Pilate thing. He plays a pivotal role in the book, which is about the devil coming to Moscow with a big black cat, a strong man and a joker at the same time as the Master writes his great novel, which is rejected, and he throws it into the flames (from which comes the classic line "Manuscripts don't burn.") His lover, Margarita, accepts a special unguent from one of the Master's servants, which she rubbes into her body, turns invisible, and starts to fly around on a broomstick. It's absurdist literature, and extraodrinarily apposite to the tie at which Bulgakov was writing.
Get me started on this topic and I have a hard time shutting up. *smile*
Back to you later!
I'll have to read that! I had no idea that Pontius featured in another story (apart from the obvious one), and now I'm intrigued. I'll check it out. Don't want to risk being called copyist, though I imagine my story is slightly different (hopefully).
By the way, I've also traced the poem that originally inspired this novel. It is called 'Antichrist as a Child' originally published in 1975 by famous Canadian poet, James Reaney (1926 - ?}. I'm not sure if he is still alive, but reading through some of his other poems, he is definately a very talented man.
I'd love to post the poem here, but don't think I can because of copyright etc. I'll check, because it's a great poem, and I want to use it as the story opener.
That poem sounds interesting. I wonder if you could post part of it? Though I don't know how much you're allowed to post before you infringe coyright. Lot of help I am! :-(
Its a great poem. I'll email it to you Ani
Thanks to all those people who have already commented! I'm refreshing it here for the last time in case anyone else fancies a crack at it
Don't let the length put you off - it's a damned good read.
Cheers Dee. I'm doing the unthinkable, and submitting the first three parts to an agent today. It'll copyright it more, and also I'll get some initial feedback. Wish me luck!
Once more round the block if anyone fancies reading and commenting.
Thanks to those who already have. You are all stars.
EEK! Just seen your message from the 10th.
Thanks my friend. In a flash of inspiration I got the whole story and wrote an imeediate draft of a synopsis. So then I thought, well, why not see an early reaction? The comments made on WW have been overwhelmingly positive, and if you guys don't know, who does?