Hellooooo tc, Jumbs, and Dee!
Thanks for the welcome back - it's great to be in touch with you three again!
tc, I've got only two boxes full of cd's and picture frames because I still haven't decided where I'm going to hang the paintings or the shelves. Two out of twenty aint bad?? I'm sick of looking at them though because they keep reminding just how unsettled and incomplete the house is still. I'll get there!
Jumbolaya, 100 miles is nothing! I've already suggested to you that we can meet half way - just as long as you order that large Americano
Would be great to see you!
Dee, darling. Thanks so much for calling me about RLG7 but listen lady, I've just uploaded Chap 5 of The Last Word...gis a chance! :D This chapter was easy to write because it had been brewing in my head all the time during the move - so I was just itching to write it and it was done in no time. Actually, I've half written RLG7 - I know what I want to write and the plot/theme to it - but I've not really had the time to really get my head down today and concentrate on it. Still need to read everyone's and comment...oh my! STRESS!
Seriously, lovely to be back. Be patient with me regarding reading and commenting as I'm still struggling to find time to get online.
Speak soon y'all!
Nahed x