Thanks to you all, and elsabeth, I am so with you on that one, although I'm facinated by how etreme people can seem at times, and how at other times they don't display these properties. What motivates them to be like that? Them, Me, you and us, we are all guilty of these things at times I am sure ...
I'm off to have a read of it right now.
Hi, Ali
Just come across this.
Well done! And lot's more in the future, I hope!
Nice piece of writing. Super descriptions of Oxford Sreet and the surrounding area.
Ali, Congrats!
I have looked back at the story on WW and made a few comments.
Thanks Len, have noted the typos and replied on WW. thanks again.
Hi Ali, I've just read your piece so may I add to the congrats? Some wonderful imagery in there. I particularly liked the plasticine one, which whizzed me straight back to childhood. Also, as someone who used to have a boyfriend whose most irritating trait was taking my opinions and presenting them back to me as if he'd thought of them first, I really related to that theme!
Looking forward to reading more of your work.
Well done Ali!
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