There is so much new good writing that gets posted everyday, which other members may not get to read. How about area where we could recommend a members work which is particularly good. I'll set the ball rolling by recommmending a piece "The Step" by Bee.
i think part of this goes back to a forum a few days ago that new work gets pushed down the list so quickly that it gets lost from view and partly because there is so much new work being posted time prevents people trawling through everything.
One suggestion is to go to the groups as a filter but of course that doesn't cover work for new part members ,or non group work. In principle I like your idea but is it not in danger of suffering the same problem as the current one, namely it gets too popular.
Your suggestion poses the question of 'How competent is this reviewer?' In addition we may enjoy a work for reasons that differ from another 'Reviewer'.
I feel the present system works well enough and before we introduce another 'filtering' system we need to see how the recent changes in the 'levels' of criticism work out.
There is certainly a need not for 'I thought this was jolly good and Members should read it' but for comments and criticisms that allow Members to genuinely try to offer constructive words as to HOW the work may be improved.
I think we may well be achieving that.
Yes, agree with Olebut and our opinions are subjective. I would like to see a system to tell us if it's poetry, fiction etc. Then, especially for new members, like minded people would be more likely to read.
I think a genre code would be helpful the easiest way ( but not necessarily technically easiest ) would be to change the colour of the members icon.
I wonder if our Bruce is able to code us an advanced site search that allows us to look for work in a given genre or sub-genre within a given date range, or even perhaps a certain range of wordcount.
It would certainly help people find something that they were in the mood to read, I think.
Great idea IB.
David, the only problem about colour coding the icon is some people write in different genres and it would 'pidgeonhole' them into one. I'd prefer the work to be coded but I'm the demanding customer not the technician!
I've been sorting out my uploads like the good PA that I am...
I've written Poem or Short Story before the title of the uploaded piece so that it's easier for people to find the type of piece they want to read. The novels speak for themselves really as they have Chapter # after the title. Perhaps, for those writers that dabble in more than one type of writing this would be a good idea, until a system is established that shows what type of writing is uploaded.
Just a thought.
sorry perhpas I was not clear what I had in mind was when you select the main genre of your work that will automatically select the colour of the icon. Thus you aren't pigeon holed.
david x