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  • Solstice Greetings
    by Dee at 11:12 on 18 December 2003
    It looks as if things are quietening down for the holiday so, before everyone signs off, I'd like to wish you all greetings for the Winter Solstice. This is my favourite day of the year. It might be the longest night but it signals the return of the light (that, incidentally, is why we light candles - to celebrate the return). From this point on the sun is waxing. Despite the cold and the bleakness of winter, if we listen to our inner voice, we will feel a resurgence of creativity. This is the time for new ideas. Let them grow, nurture them and prepare to act on them at the first stirring of spring.

    The wheel turns.
  • Re: Solstice Greetings
    by Account Closed at 11:26 on 18 December 2003
    Let's not forget the mass consumption of alcohol!
  • Re: Solstice Greetings
    by Dee at 11:42 on 18 December 2003
    Trust you to lower the tone, IB.
    Here I am, being all spiritual and yule thingy, and you mention the dreaded A word.
    Oh, what the hell... the sun's over the horizon... pass the bottle...



    Ahhhhh... that's more like it.
  • Re: Solstice Greetings
    by Account Closed at 14:30 on 18 December 2003
    And here's me stuck in the office for another three hours.

  • Re: Solstice Greetings
    by Dee at 14:44 on 18 December 2003
    The only reason I'm not also stuck in an office today is that I'm struck down by a lurgy. So any booze consumption is purely medicnial.


    OK... who moved my keys?
  • Re: Solstice Greetings
    by Account Closed at 19:49 on 18 December 2003
    Sorry you're not well, Dee - hope you get better soon to enjoy Christmas celebrations!

    All the best

    Anne B
  • Re: Solstice Greetings
    by Jumbo at 10:07 on 19 December 2003
    May I add my Season's Greetings to those aready posted? And a thank you all for your help with my scribblings! Not forgetting, of course, all the contributors who make this site such a stimulating, instructive, inspirational, inspiring, thought-provoking and enjoyable experience!

    Enjoyable that is apart from ... No, I won't go there!!!

    Special greeting and thanks to 'Santa' David and his team of helpers who keep us in line! Merry Crimble, to you, Sir!

    As Dee said, I can't wait for the longer days and the rising sap. Well, not quite her words, but with a bit of luck that's something like what she meant!

    Dee, sorry to hear you're not 100%. Hope the lurgy deserts you in sufficient time for you to celebrate Christmas in your own inimitable style. (Pass the bottle!)

    Happy Crimble and a Wordy New Year to you all.

  • Re: Solstice Greetings
    by Dee at 11:21 on 19 December 2003
    Spot on, John

    I'm back on form and the sap's already on the move...
