Bwahahahaha - on your knees, foolish Mac user! Cringe at the power of our formatting
(god that was fun)
Julie, I have the same problem. At first I thought it was some kind of blonde joke but seems it's a Mac thing after all.
Yeah, and I bet the b******* all have iPods...
Well, the website itself doesn't work too well on Netscape, even on a PC, so I suspect it's more an Internet Explorer thing rather than a PC/Mac thing.
By the way, can we do something about those pop-up hints for the buttons? Could they be placed somewhere where they don't cause the buttons and everything under them to jump up and down? The problem occurs whenever a hint takes more than 1 line to display.
That's great david.
Now all we need is to get the group forum e-mail working and we will be all set for the New Year.
Sorry, meant David.
Sorry, late at the party as always!
These are great and certainly speed up the entering of comments and thread entries.
I know it's not quite the same thing, but is there any possibility of adding a spellchecker to the site - even a low-level, basic one to flush out some of my bigger gaffs?
All the best, and thanks as always.
This site just gets better and better!
(All that and no formatting!!)
Those pop ups, explaining what each button does can be trimmed. The first four don't really need any explaining, but if you feel they do, then you can certainly ditch the "select the passage you want to make" part. It might stop them bouncing about.
Colin M
I think the text should have stopped jumping for most people - if not let me know. Getting it to work in firefox is a bit more tricky - will see what I can do.
This is a great addition. It's called 'wysiwyg' or something, isn't it? I'm sure that's what it's called. Wicked stuff.
"wysiwyg" is an acronym for "what you see is what you get", and simply refers to a feature that shows your formatting on-screen in exactly the way it will appear in print. In that respect, these new buttons aren't strictly wysiwyg, because you don't see how it actually looks until you hit the Post or Preview buttons.
These features are more like short-cuts, because they let you mark out a section of text and apply various WW formatting and linking to it without you having to type the necessary tags around the text yourself.
Cheers for clarifying that, Alex. I always wondered.
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