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  • Oonah`s new WW record!
    by david bruce at 15:21 on 12 January 2016
    Congratulations to long-time WW member V`yonne   for being the first member ever to reach no less than 50,000 site points! Thanks for supporting the site so much Oonah !
  • Re: Oonah`s new WW record!
    by Bazz at 21:11 on 12 January 2016
    Oh wow, I didn't know it was a site record! Congratulations Oonah, just think of all the help and advice you've given people over the years, many writers owe you a lot :)

    Surely there should be a special badge for contributing so much to the site...?
    Edited by Bazz at 21:16:00 on 12 January 2016
  • Re: Oonah`s new WW record!
    by James Graham at 12:29 on 13 January 2016
    Congratulations, Oonah! Over the years, on top of your commitments to Every Day Poets, The Linnet's Wings etc, you've made this tremendous number of helpful and insightful contributions to WW. Special thanks from the Poetry Group, which goes through quiet spells from time to time, but you have helped to keep it lively.

  • Re: Oonah`s new WW record!
    by Jojovits1 at 00:13 on 23 January 2016
    Congratulations, Oonah!  Site record!!  Should have put you for my inspiration on this week's challenge :-).

    Thank you for everything you do to encourage and help.  You have been amazing and we should get you an actual trophy!
