Not sure how many this will touch, but would it be possible to have the option to post work in two groups at the same time?
I'm in Poetry Seminar and Poetry 1 and would love to be able to highlight new work in both places, particularly say exercises that we've done in PS which I'd love to be able to also highlight by putting the piece in Poetry 1
I had a quick look at the Groups and wondered if this might also apply to people in Chick Lit and any Fiction Group, Children's and YA, Haiku and any Poetry Group, Long Poetry and any other Poetry Group etc.
Yes! This is an excellent suggestion. In my opinion, some groups are 'genre' and some are 'audience'. There is a huge overlap.
Is it time to make the groups bigger? Or start more new groups? Most groups are full. I was lucky when I joined that there was space for me, but if I looked at the site as a non-member now I would be put off as all the groups I'm interested in are full. I know other people have suggested this, too.