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  • .rtf format
    by paul53 at 14:24 on 28 April 2003
    Am I alone in that, with more folk joining this site daily and being short on personal spare time, I tend to skip the "please open in .rtf format" uploads when browsing in favour of something instantly accessible?
    Sorry to those who use this means of posting.
  • Re: .rtf format
    by Account Closed at 14:37 on 28 April 2003
    That depends. When hoping to kill a few minutes rading something short while at work, anything in .rtf format isn't going to fit the bill, because it implies something that will take up more of my time.

    Short stories I can read and offer feedback to in a few minutes without breaking concentration. Longer stories have to wait until I have free time at home, which is less often.
  • Re: .rtf format
    by Anna Reynolds at 17:50 on 28 April 2003
    I tell you what though, you're missing out on some really amazing stuff, which is a shame.
  • Re: .rtf format
    by paul53 at 07:32 on 29 April 2003
    I know I am... that's the main problem.
  • Re: .rtf format
    by Jibunnessa at 13:19 on 29 April 2003
    Actually, I'm more likely to read something that's in .rtf format, a bit longer, but often nicely formated and emminently readable, rather than look at someone's long piece of work that you read straight from this site, but often presented in big blocks, and sometimes without proper spaces between paragraphs.

    ...and I agree with Anna. Some of the stuff is really good.

    The only piece of work that I've submitted that you'll need to open seperately is 'Blind Fish - the short film script. That's in .pdf format.

    How do you guys feel about pdf files?
  • Re: .rtf format
    by Account Closed at 14:07 on 29 April 2003
    Well, pdf files usually open inside the browser, at the expense of essentially all your system resources for the ensuing thirty seconds it takes for the plugins to wake up.

    rtf files open in word, which is more attuned to IE, and so takes less time to open.