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  • the point of points?
    by blob at 17:41 on 11 November 2011
    This may have been covered before but what is the point of the points system?


    and I just gained a point for posting this!!
  • Re: the point of points?
    by Sally_Nicholls at 19:15 on 11 November 2011
    I think it's to give people an idea of how long people have been part of the community. To encourage people to be friendly and welcoming to someone with one or two points, and try not to be patronising to someone with 2,000 points, as they probably already have a reasonable idea of how WW works.

    Also to encourage people to comment on each other's work.

    But it's pretty pointless really.
  • Re: the point of points?
    by Manusha at 23:31 on 11 November 2011
    The funny thing with points is that it also depends on which group(s) you are in. A couple of sentences of comment in one group and - ka-ching! 4 points! An hours work and a thousand words of comment in another group, and - erm, 4 points. So it really doesn't show how much you're giving, but it does show that you are giving to the wonderful world of our writer's community.
  • Re: the point of points?
    by Punnaburra at 09:42 on 12 November 2011
    It seems, to me anyway, to be a competitive class struggle. Why don't we discontinue the word 'points' and replace it with 'zonk' and 'kangarellie and 'skug'. A zonk is worth about 20dB and a hudgie, and you need 203 zonks for a kangarelli. And a skug? Well that speaks for itself!
