Hi Firethorne
There are so many different types of blindness that it's difficult to know where to start - especially as a lot of the material on what is available is in voice format!
My father uses a screen magnifier (although his sight issues stem from a stroke).
These links may be helpful:
As you can see from the BCAB link, you can actually have equippment to modify a PC to enable someone to use it independently.
If your user has low vision - see here:
If your user has no vision - see here:
Other FAQs:
Q. What is an access technology?
A. An access technology is a device or application that helps a person with a disability carry out a task independently.
Q. Are there access technologies that can help blind and partially sighted people use computers?
A. Yes, the most common are screen magnifiers, screen readers and braille displays.
Q. What is a screen magnifier?
A. A screen magnifier is a piece of software that magnifies what's on screen to make it easier to read.
Q. What is a screen reader?
A. A screen reader is a piece of software that translates on screen information into synthetic speech or electronic braille.
Q. What is a braille display?
A. A braille display is a piece of hardware that works with a screen reader and shows on screen information using a series of refreshable braille cells.
Q. Which one should I choose?
A. People with some usable sight tend to use screen magnifiers, and people with little or no usable sight tend to use screen readers. There aren't any rules though, so decide what works best for you.
Q. Will I need a special computer to use a screen magnifier, screen reader or braille display?
A. No, you can use a standard computer bought from PC World or your local high street computer store.
Q. Do I have to use a Windows computer?
A. No, there are screen magnifiers, screen readers and braille displays that work on Mac, Linux or Windows computers.
Q. How much will a screen magnifier, screen reader or braille display cost?
A. Depending on your computer and requirements, the cost can range from free to several hundred pounds.
Q. Where can I find out more?
A. There is more information available from BCAB: