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  • New `Poetry Seminar` Group
    by david bruce at 14:26 on 03 September 2003
    We've added a new Poetry Seminar group to the site that will be run by our site expert Fevvers. As I understand it the group will be for those who want to be fairly rigorous about their poetry, and who want to look at the question of re-drafting and developing their poems. Like Anna's beginner group, this will be essentially a Teaching Group, so only join if you're interested in getting serious feedback!

    Many thanks again to Fevvers for her invaluable contributions to this site!!

  • Re: New `Poetry Seminar` Group
    by fevvers at 14:46 on 03 September 2003
    Thanks David for your lovely comment. I love contributing to Write Words it's such a great community, and I hope people get something out of the comments I make. I learn a lot from other people's comments on the poems in the groups.

    This Poetry Seminar is for a very small number of people who are open to really entering into their writing.

    There will be one or two exercises but the emphasis will be on looking at the drafting process and looking at published writers works. We will have a reading list of poems that I'd expect people to read so we can comment on them and see how they can help our own writing. I will try to make most of these poems ones available from the Net, but some of them might only be available in collections - so you'll need to find them.

    We'll only be looking at one poem from the list at a time - because of this I think people will need to regularly check the group to see what's developed - I wouldn't want anyone to miss anything.

    The real emphasis of this group is 'taking its time' in reading, critiquing and writing poetry. People giving feedback will be encouraged to really spend time on a group member's poem, and seeing it though until it is finished.

    I hope this doesn't scare you off and I look forward to seeing some of you there.

  • Re: New `Poetry Seminar` Group
    by fevvers at 10:34 on 05 September 2003
    Do I have to put up a notice saying "Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough"?
  • Re: New `Poetry Seminar` Group
    by Account Closed at 13:39 on 05 September 2003
    My apologies if I scared off all the poets...
  • Re: New `Poetry Seminar` Group
    by fevvers at 17:37 on 26 September 2003
    Is anybody interested in joining the new poetry seminar group? We have three members at the moment and it would work better if we got a couple more. Anyone interested check it out on the site
  • Re: New `Poetry Seminar` Group
    by olebut at 10:03 on 13 October 2003
    How come this group has so few members with so many posting poetry on here?

    Is it perhaps only those who have already joined feel the need to improve their writing?

    strange really we have people asking for critique on their poetry and here is a seminar/group which would provide exactly what they ask for and it is ignored strange old world isn't
