This no doubt is a minor point, but I have just posted a humorous poem, well I think it is funny even if you my learned and generous ( with the complimentary comments) fellow write words contributors don't.
but WHY is there no humour option within the overall Poetry classification ?
perhaps our learned amazingly talented and wise Webmaster David the mighty Bruce could enlighten us mere mortals please, or even add one.
take care all
and just in case you need a smile today I hope my poem gives you one
take care all
David - safe to admit that those classifications are a somewhat overlooked area of the site in need of a general overhaul I think.
kind of you to reply and after all you can't cover everything
take care
Olebut, could this not go in the Humour/Comedy group that already exists?
it could but this seems to be more for humorous stories rather than poetry and thus by defualt does not come up on the poetry only archive.
It seems not unreasonable that humourous poetry/limericks etc should be a classification iwthin the poetry groupings.