Is anyone else not getting notification by email about comments posted on their work? )yes, the box is ticked). The WWmail box notification works fine, but not the comments on uploaded work emails.
I've got the opposite problem! I'm getting a notification every time someone posts to the RLG5 thread, despite having made sure the boxes on every message I've put on are unticked.
I get a 'sorry for ww members only' when someone comments on MY work and have recently had 3 notifications of new work in the TV & film group that didn't exist and when I clicked on the link, there were a lot of comments marked 'group members only' - I was logged in and am in that group. Is it serious, doctor?
Hi Nahed, same problem here. But I'm having general IT problems as a Blaster Worm sneaked its evil way in to my system - makes me feel like abandoning email altogether.
H Nahed I'm getting WW notifications again. The evil worm ate some of my emails. I mailed my friends to tell them that this was a possibility and was immediately forwarded 3 mails from different people, sent in the past 2 months, that I'd never received. I had wondered why they hadn't been in touch, and they probably thought that I was incredibly rude for not replying . Good to have that cleared up. However, I still don't know what else I haven't received - you know, multi-million dollar publishing deals, that kind of thing...