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  • New book to review- any takers?
    by Anna Reynolds at 17:23 on 10 March 2007
    Journey by Jae Watson- published by Legend Press, we're about to run an interview with the author as well.

    'Following the break up of her relationship, Mariannae leaves a London still reverberating from the terrorist bombings to travel for a year with the mysterious and beautiful Sara. However, deep into the chaos and mysical heart of India, events take a dramatic turn..'

    WWmail me with your address and I'll post it to first past the ...er, post.
  • Re: New book to review- any takers?
    by Colin-M at 17:56 on 10 March 2007
    If you don't have any takers so far, there's a little more on Amazon.

    Following the break-up of her relationship and unsure of her life's direction, Marianne leaves London still reverberating from the terrorist bombings to travel for a year with the mysterious and beautiful Sara. However, deep into the heart of chaotic and mystical India, events take a dramatic turn and, in the Holy City of Varanasi, Sara's body is discovered floating in the Ganges. As the investigation ensues, unexpected and shocking revelations cast a new light on Sara and take Marianne on a painful but vital journey to uncover the truth about her friend and also her own life.

    About the Author
    Jae Watson lives in London though it was while studying Theology at Manchester University that she developed an interest in world beliefs and human psychology. She has also played saxophone in Hoodwink, an all-female indie rock-band, and travelled extensively. This is her first novel.

    Not for me, but where are all the chick-littlers?

    Colin M
  • Re: New book to review- any takers?
    by Anna Reynolds at 19:05 on 10 March 2007
    Thanks, Colin. This one is now taken and winging its way onto the lucky reviewer.