actually my initial reaction is no I don't sorry preferred it as it was this rankles of editorial preference and subtle censorship
I don't like it either. Not at all! What is this site coming to?
Er… so who decides what goes on the front page? Suddenly it’s full of site experts -apart from mothball’s thread and I think that just got caught up because I was responding to it when you posted this.
Sorry. My instinctive reaction is that I don’t like this. This means we’re not seeing the most active threads – just the ones the site experts prefer.
Don’t like this at all.
I'm sorry, but what right does anyone have to dictate what would be of interest to me? I choose what I read and not a member of the WW team. So now this means that if you have something against a member of the site or a post - it will be kept out of the Main Forum just for that reason? Why don't you just write on the top then that all forums (not just Lounge and Writing Exercises) don't appear on the Main Forum unless the WW Admin team like think they're interesting enough.
Good God!
'Hope you like it!' ???????? Yeah, we're just loving it David. But I wonder if our protests will even matter? Would you reconsider when you find out that we don't like it?
The old link to exercises and lounge forum has been removed as of course it does not apply. Dee there's a new link at the top for recent posts which effectively allows you to view the home page as it was. I'll also be adding a forum index so you can see an overview of all forums at once.
For anyone unhappy with the change, I would request you give it a few days to get used to the idea before reacting too strongly.
David -
Will the 'recent post' link always be available? Or will that be withdrawn in time?
If it is to remain - for those who don't like this new look - then I apologise for my strongly worded post. But I wish you would've mentioned this in the first instance.
Yes it will remain. The recent posts page also includes ALL forums, including lounge and exercises.
sorry still don't see the point of it
whoops, and here was me thinking I'd had my topic shifted due to talking about trivial stuff (well, non-literary).
I'm afraid that I have to play Devil's Advocate on this one. The site has to appeal to new members as well as old. I don't think it's such a bad move if a newbie can face a forum page of "quality" topics. Oh dear, I'm going to get a right grilling for this, I should have consulted a thesaurus first. I thing you know what I mean - ie Submissions, Competitions and Opportunities - hang on, isn't that what the jobs & opps section is for. Er, I think I've just shot myself and The Devil in the foot.
Heh, does this mean the RLG comes back on the list if we click on the Recent Posts list?
Colin M.
Hows about we get the option to set a default to either the new look, or the 'recent posts' forum home page, like we have a default in the archive - that way the choice is available to all.
It's a bit of a palava having to click on recent posts again every time you post and return to WriteWords Forum. Is there a way where you can choose whether you want the new look or the old look Forum as your permanent Forum page?
Yes, what Daisy just said. Sorry Daisy, we crossed posts there. I think that would be more than fair. The ability to choose a default Forum Page.
I'm sure we'll get used to it very quickly - well, there's not a lot of choice is there? We accept it or we go away and never ruffle a feather again.
I just get a bit naffed off when these changes happen without any consultation or warning. Obviously my definition of the word 'member' is different to the site managers'.
(and don't anyone come up with the obvious innuendo... I'm not in the mood
Dee, in all this madness....you do make me laugh.
Oh good
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