Would it be useful to have a forum where members can pick the brains of other WriteWorders regarding researched subjects for plots and storylines?
E.g. I've posted something in the Lounge - asking for help and advice about legal matters in the Scottish Courts. Maybe there are Scots out there who are familiar with the system (I don't mean ex-cons - but being Scots they would know about it more) - maybe there are members who work in the Scots legal network.
Since the Lounge isn't part of the main forum - my request for assistance may not be seen by everyone. I for one, don't visit the Lounge everytime I log on to WriteWords - I'm sure it's the same for most.
So perhaps if a separate forum entitled 'Ask The Panel' or 'Research Questions' or 'Google ain't working for me - can you help?' is created which will show up on the main forum whenever a new thread is posted would be a useful thing to have on the site.
Other members' thoughts on this would be appreciated. Also if the Admin team could comment on whether this would be acceptable.
I think this is a good idea terminology and technical detail ha sto be correct
are you thinking along the lines of a subject based technical data base whcih could act as a refernece sorted say by general topic
I think that's a great idea. I'm sure lots of people would find it helpful. I wonder if it would be possible to create some kind of database listings different topics that certain members know about. Members could then add to the database whenever they think they have something to share with the group.
I bet we'd be amazed by the variety of knowledge hidden in the depths of WW. Perhaps we'd never have to use google again.
I think it's very good idea.
There was some discussion about this the other day on Nell’s thread ‘Help needed’ and I remember some of us trying to get one started a while ago but it sank without trace.
Ideally we need a database of what each member is willing to offer and/or a new forum where we can a) access this info and b) post up a request for specific facts. Sometimes just the tiniest detail is so difficult to find. For instance I wanted to know what footwear is worn in an operating theatre. It took me umpteen requests and googles to come up with the answer: white clogs, would you believe? But I still want to know what they are made of and would people wear them outside the theatre suite…
And, no, I really don’t have a foot fetish!
Should one of us ask David if he can set up a research forum?
I also think it's a great idea. I have a constant problem with language, as I was raised on the other side of the Great Puddle, and would love to pick your collective brain when I am concerned that I am botching mixing dialects! A regular occurrence, I am afraid!
And fish around for other info, too.
Well, I was actually just thinking of a separate forum where a person can post their question where it can be seen on the general forum. The thing is that these questions don't fit in with the other forums available and they go unnoticed in the Lounge...but I'm just repeating myself there.
I think a database would be a great idea. Sorry, Dee (and Nell) I didn't see the thread where Nell suggested this all ready. So I'm guessing that the Admin team didn't say yay or nay? whether this would be plausible or feasible.
A collective infopod would be invaluable.
P.S. I don't know if anyone should contact David...I would've thought they'd be on the look out for these WriteWords Forum threads in particular to see what people are suggesting?
Why don't you put these kinds of questions under Inspiration & Ideas? they crop up quite often, don't they?
But this isn’t inspiration or ideas. We’re talking about when you’ve got the bulk of your story written but you’re not sure about a few details. Or you need to confirm your facts before you commit to writing about something.
These details can be so pickily important in a novel. Apparently publishers get more feedback about incorrect details than anything else. I’ve ground to a halt on my current novel because I’m short on detail: how do you feel after experiencing a near-drowning? What’s the post-operative care for a repaired rupture of the patellar tendon?
I sometimes wish I’d never started this novel…
Dee, it thoses kinds of questions that stop me writing so often, probably many others too. There are some things that you just can't find details on, in your case 'how do you feel after experiencing a near-drowning?'. Unless you can find one of the few people willing to talk about this kind of experience, you have know way of knowing if your ideas are correct. But it's those details that make the difference between a flop and a best-seller. I guess that is the reason why so many people rely on personal experiences when writing, but it's so restricting.
I wonder how many people in the WW group would be willing to discuss some of the more personal events they have faced?
You have a point - but the information doesn't necessarily have to be personal and so no member needs to feel uncomfortable about revealing something that they don't want to reveal. But what if another member has written something to do with, for example, a drowning experience - has used either personal knowledge, or knew somebody who was able to tell them. That information could be passed on to another writer. It's invaluable.
By the way Dee, I had a near-drowning experience, but alas (or maybe not alas) I was too young to remember it. I would've helped you with that one otherwise. (Thanks to my uncle for saving me :D)
Anna, I agree with Dee - this is not Inspiration and Ideas. This is calls for help to research ideas when all other avenues have been exhausted. Perhaps it would be too much of an Admin job to create a database - but I don't see the harm in creating a separate forum where threads can be referred to on an individual basis perhaps. There might be a thread entitled: Drowning - another: Near-Death, Ghosts, Psychic Powers, etc etc...the list is endless.
Is it just my connection or has something gone wrong with the general forum...there's not choice of previous pages.
If you want to know how it feels to drown, e-mail me and I'll give you a good idea as I've been there.
All the best Pete
You have made some really interesting points. In my own novel I used some of my knowledge of the courts (not as a 'customer' I hasten to add). However, I found that I had to use some artistic licence as 'real life' sentencing could sound unbelievable. You probably know this from the media.
Google is the greatest research tool ever, failing that there are hundreds of thousands of databases and resources on the net.
As silly as it may sound if there's sometihng you need to know like a medical detail that you just cant find online (tho I have never had any problems) simpy find someone on a email listing. There are loads for doctors, scientists, lawyers on most company websites. Be cheeky, Pick one and email them. You'll be totally surprised just how many responses you get.
Trust me. I do it all the time.