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  • Website anomoly?
    by Daisy at 18:57 on 28 March 2004
    Why does it say in the groups '20 most recent topics' when it only shows five?

    I think twenty might be better as you can't look back on the group topics so easily.


    I know you can look back on them all under 'forums' but I was trying to look back on one particular group, and found I couldn't. If that makes sense.
  • Re: Website anomoly?
    by Tabitha at 20:44 on 28 March 2004
    Another anomoly: Why does WW advertise itself as providing critique from published writers when that clearly rarely happens? In my experience as a short story writer, Becca is the only expert who takes this seriously. In my partner's experience (he's a poet) not a single poetry expert even bothered to welcome him to the poetry group he joined, let alone commented on his submission. Needless to say, after one month's free trial which resulted in zero comments from 'experts' (even though the 'expert' concerned was commenting often on the work of others in the group during that month), he wisely decided not to part with his cash for full membership, and hasn't visited the site since. And a novelist friend is similarly disillusioned. :-((

  • Re: Website anomoly?
    by Dee at 21:05 on 28 March 2004
    providing critique from published writers

    Where does it say that, Tabitha?
