We've just added a
help page, a site
terms of service page and a
privacy policy to the site (links visible at the bottom of every page.)
The help page in particular is a first draft- if you have any suggestions for common 'help' topics please post away.
David, your new pages are very welcome addition - thank you. As a result of reading them, I've just changed the visibiliy option on the work I downloaded in the early hours of Sunday morning from 'available to all', as a couple of non-WW friends had asked to see it, to 'available to WW members only'. I was wondering though, how often do search engines scan the sites they include? Could my work still end up on Google?
Adele - it is possible as they scan the site almost continuously, although if it was only there for a few days it's quite unlikely.
If a member changes a work from 'Visible to All' you can generally only be certain it will have vanished from the search engines after about 3 months.
Thanks, David, that's good to know for the future.
Little bit unsure about clause 15 of the Terms.
I hope this does not include arguments in threads. What I mean by this is strong disagreements on particular subjects. So long as they don't escalate into personal attacks or digs I don't mind a healthy disagreement at all however strong it may be.
Also the whole hate speech thing what does that cover? Now the reason I ask (and I am being totally sincere here) I'm currently working on something new that deals with religious intolerance, would this be deemed as hate speech if I posted sections of it?
Being what some call a freethinking humanist, and others call an athiest, I have particular philosophies that by their very nature must exclude all possiblity of other beliefs. Which is also the case with all religions too. Now I would by no means intend offence towards people who believe various things. But as always there are those that take offence. Would this mean that I cannot post work for comment? Technically it should be covered by the disclaimer at the top of the posting warning that it may contain strong or offensive language.
I'm certainly not out to intentionally cause offence but I am also serious about this work of fiction and would like to post extracts for comment. So I'd like to know what the deal is.
Geoff - point 15 was intended to refer to discussions on the forum and in comments on work. The issue of hate speech of various kinds occuring in pieces of work posted to the archive is of course more difficult and has arisen several times in the past. In an appropriate context, as you suggest, it can be acceptable. The decision as to what is an appropriate context is determined by the site owners on a case by case basis.
David, since you're adding new pages, how about an 'About Us' page too? This is normally the first thing I look for when I encounter a new company online. Who is behind WW? I signed up blind, as I liked the feel of the site, but it would still be very interesting to know. Whoever it is, you're doing a very good job!
Adele -
It's funny that you should mention that because I just noticed about anhour ago that there IS an 'About Us' page. The link is at the bottom along with Help, etc.
Just thought I'd mention that while I'm cruising through the posts....
Thanks Ani! I am clearly not as eagle-eyed as you!
Oh, I'm not eagle-eyed at all, though I wish I were. That was just a coincidence.