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  • Fiction Writer`s Group II
    by Newmark at 01:31 on 28 May 2003
    About a couple of months ago, I was a member of Fiction Writer's Group I. Having rejoined as a full member, it now appears that this group is full. I accept that there is a need to restrict the number of members in each group, but the second group seems a little static.

    Just an idea - have you considered splitting the first group into two? Obviously, the members would need to give their consent, but this might well open up more discussion in the second group.

    Anyway, just an idea.


  • Re: Fiction Writer`s Group II
    by Account Closed at 12:59 on 28 May 2003
    I think (emphasis on think) I'm in Fiction Writers I, and I can tell you for free that you're not missing a lot.

    1 thread on the group discussion, and no new work uploaded since about the 16th, and even that was me.

    Oh, fiction writers, fiction writers! Where for art thou fiction writers? So on and so forth.
  • Re: Fiction Writer`s Group II
    by olebut at 13:03 on 28 May 2003
    they are probably just a figment of your imagination
  • Re: Fiction Writer`s Group II
    by Account Closed at 13:07 on 28 May 2003
    How circular. Fictionary writers as opposed to fiction writers.

    Insane Bartender stands beside himself watching himself disappear in a puff of nothingness...
  • Re: Fiction Writer`s Group II
    by olebut at 13:38 on 28 May 2003
    far be it from me but wouldnt they be fictional fiction writers
  • Re: Fiction Writer`s Group II
    by Account Closed at 14:05 on 28 May 2003
    I could ammend myself by editing my former post, but instead I'll just run away and hold a bag of ice against my cheeks...
  • Re: Fiction Writer`s Group II
    by olebut at 10:34 on 29 May 2003
    the poetry group is in the same situation I havent any problem with moving into poetry 11 if it helsp an dthey will have me but presumably each genre is going ot have several groups so it is only a short term solution.
  • Re: Fiction Writer`s Group II
    by Anna Reynolds at 12:04 on 29 May 2003
    Yep. And bear in mind we've been having a general reorganising of groups and the way they work, and this takes a bit of time to settle down- and if things need changing again to make them work better, that's what'll happen. So thanks guys, for your ideas and comments.
    Also, one option with the Groups is for people who've had quite a lot of responses to their work, to replace that piece with a newer piece, and move the original to the archive? Then new comments will be able to happen, which will be more useful/interesting for all..
  • Re: Fiction Writer`s Group II
    by Becca at 09:55 on 30 May 2003
    is the fiction you are writing in short story form? If so, come to the shorts group. Everything in there gets looked at and commented on. It might not move with the speed of light, but it gathers good pieces of work at a reasonable rate.