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  • Here`s a question to get you thinking....
    by Freebird at 08:51 on 12 May 2016
    When I was in a school last week, a child asked me an interesting question:

    If you could only do either reading or writing, and not both, which one would you choose?

    What would you say?
  • Re: Here`s a question to get you thinking....
    by SusieL at 09:22 on 12 May 2016
    Reading. No question.

    I adore writing, I get tetchy when I can't. But reading has been a part of my life for far longer and I can't imagine a day going by without 'vanishing' into a book.

    But a tough choice.  What was your reply?
  • Re: Here`s a question to get you thinking....
    by Freebird at 11:54 on 12 May 2016
    Same as yours. I feel edgy and uncomfortable when I've not got any writing on the go, but not being able to read anything would be like having a body part cut off. And, as I pointed out, I could write one novel in a year whereas I could read fifty!

    There's a good lyric in an A-ha song: 'The phone is off the hook/as you sink into a book/and I don't know where you are'... love it that books are like escape hatches to a million different places :)
  • Re: Here`s a question to get you thinking....
    by Catkin at 21:40 on 12 May 2016
    I'd say writing, because it might make me write more ... and then I'd listen to audio books and Radio Four. But maybe that's cheating!
  • Re: Here`s a question to get you thinking....
    by Jennifer1976 at 07:48 on 23 May 2016
    I think I'd have to pick reading too, because it's my main source of learning - about everything really, and it makes me feel so much more in touch with the world. No matter how much I write, I'll only really be able to learn about myself (I think), especially as my main genre is memoir.

    That said, I can certainly see that my writing would benefit from the time I'd gain from not having any books to read!

    Ooh, what about books about writing - would they still count? *clutches at straws*
  • Re: Here`s a question to get you thinking....
    by Cornelia at 12:52 on 28 May 2016
    I think I'd have to choose reading but I certainly do find my fingers get itchy and I have to break off. Maybe there's an equivalent of what those Chinese calligraphers do when they write in water on a pavement.

    I had a real-life test of this choice in the last year, when I moved from London to Merseyside. It took up so much of my time and thought  to organise that I couldn't write apart from lists and emails. But I read lots of books - had to because I joined three book groups in my new location - which helped with social integration too as a side benefit. It also helped to get my mind off the frustrations and delays.

  • Re: Here`s a question to get you thinking....
    by Ashlea Earl at 06:30 on 15 June 2016
    I would go for Reading, as its one of my hobby as well. Also it provides knowledge whaterver you read.

    While writing is that where you can pen down your knowledge or thoughts. So, finally prior to "write" you definitely have to "read".
  • Re: Here`s a question to get you thinking....
    by Cornelia at 09:23 on 15 June 2016
    I read a Stephen King quote in an article yesterday: 'Reading is like breathing in; writing is like breathing out'.
  • Re: Here`s a question to get you thinking....
    by Ashlea Earl at 07:20 on 17 June 2016
    Very nice quote Cornelia.yes

    Reading is always followed by writing both have their exixtence and are incomplete without each other.
  • Re: Here`s a question to get you thinking....
    by Ashlea Earl at 07:21 on 17 June 2016
    Read this..
    “I can’t write without a reader. It’s precisely like a kiss—you can’t do it alone.”
    ― John Cheever
  • Re: Here`s a question to get you thinking....
    by Jojovits1 at 11:40 on 17 June 2016
    Definitely reading...although I've had a couple of months off from this site due to other commitments and i feel so frustrated!
  • Re: Here`s a question to get you thinking....
    by paulmerrill at 19:13 on 18 June 2016
    Excellent question! Most of the people will get stuck with the answer for this question because they might have been chosen the career with deep interest. Both reading and writing are nice activities to do. But, to be frank, I hate both the activities. I love to be free and love to travel to enjoy the nature.