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  • Need information about a particular police role
    by alexhazel at 18:02 on 01 November 2015
    Does anyone know the correct job title for those "specially trained officers" who help rape victims? Are they actual police officers, or are they civilian staff working for the police? What is the scope of their involvement with the victim? Do they stick with them until they are over the worst of the trauma, or do they refer them on to other specialists to help them further?

    Quite a few questions, I know, but I can't think of suitable search terms for Mr Google. A couple of searches I tried brough back more stuff from the States than from the UK, and it's the latter I specifically need to know about.
  • Re: Need information about a particular police role
    by Catkin at 09:57 on 02 November 2015
    Yes, they are actual police officers. I don't know much more about them than that, though.

    Would this help?:

  • Re: Need information about a particular police role
    by alexhazel at 18:17 on 02 November 2015
    Thanks for that, Catkin. Yes, there is some very useful information there.