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  • two gorgeous residencies available...Wordsworth and Coleridge
    by Anna Reynolds at 15:58 on 17 June 2015
    Writing Places is looking for two writers in residence to support the Writing Places’s House project, in two separate residency locations, for Thomas Hardy’s residences in Dorchester (Max Gate and Hardy’s Cottage) and in Coleridge’s Cottage in Nether Stowey, Somerset.
     Two residencies are available, both on 3 month fixed term contracts of service available between 20th July and 20th November by negotiation. Accommodation is not included. Each resident will be paid a stipend of £4000

    They are also looking for writers to offer workshops, readings etc to support the Writing Places project over the next twelve months.
  • Re: two gorgeous residencies available...Wordsworth and Coleridge
    by Anna Reynolds at 16:04 on 17 June 2015
    oh, but...."Accomodation is not included".
    still a wonderful opportunity though.