Hi Everyone,
This is just to let you know that for the next couple of days, the Novel Fox's first anthology is free to download at: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?field-keywords=Anthology%20I%3A%20A%20Collection%20of%208%20Science%20Fiction%20%26%20Fantasy%20Short%20Stories&node=341677031
Novel Fox details:
The anthology contains my story, "Where's the King's Head?" This was originally entitled, "Where's the Tiger's Head?" using quite a few lyrics from Lonnie Donegan's song, "My Old Man's a Dustman". However, just before publication, I read an article about how you can't quote more than the title of a song without permission. So I wrote to the two Donegan brothers but they didn't get back so I had to re-write the story around a song I made up. Then I got an email from Sharon Donegan, the late Donnie's wife, saying I could quote from the song for £200. Since this was only £50 less than I got paid for the story, I declined.
Most of you probably know this about quoting lyrics, but perhaps worth highlighting anyway. And quoting from songs by the Beatles, Stones, etc, can apparently set you back thousands.