I've been thinking of blogging for a while, but I think for it to have any impact, you need to have a clear vision of what you're I blogging about.
I think this is absolutely right. People need to have a sense of what they'll find when they land. And yes, if you've got a natural tie-in to your other writing, so much the better.
I must admit, too, that as well as the web presence (and in my case the direct showcase for my teaching), blogging is satisfying in how it reminds you that you do have readers, even if it's only your three regulars and the dog and someone who found you by googling "purple fluffy handcuffs"... When so much to do with writing takes so bloody long to get anywhere - novels take years, answers to pitches take months... It's very nice to have something where I can write, post, and see from the stats that people are reading it straight away. Even now, I get quite a little performer's buzz on a posting day on the blog...