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  • The Write Stuff on Radio 4
    by tiger_bright at 16:55 on 04 November 2008
    Is it just me or is this programme, with regulars Sebastian Faulks and John Walsh, excruciating? Each week the teams are given the task of writing "in the style of" a chosen author. The resulting fan fiction (let's not give it the grandiose title of Pastiche) has me spellbound with its pomposity and awfulness. I wouldn't mind if I thought they were having a laugh but there's a definite sense of competitiveness; who can write the best Harry Potter story? Well, the short answer to that is JK Rowling. Why they feel the need to spell this out by reading out their gawd-help-us efforts is beyond me. I cringe and yet I cannot switch off. Evil evil Radio 4.

  • Re: The Write Stuff on Radio 4
    by Jem at 17:27 on 04 November 2008
    My 16-yr olds were riveted by this JKR bit. Me too, I must admit!
  • Re: The Write Stuff on Radio 4
    by CarolineSG at 18:34 on 05 November 2008
    It does feel like quite a lot of showing off sometimes!