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  • Olympic Opening
    by Cornelia at 09:48 on 07 August 2008
    Ooh, I've cancelled everything for Friday so I can see the opening ceremony. It was designed by Zhang Yimou ( Curse of the Golden Flower) my favourite director and apparently he's pulled out all the stops. As he would. I hope he didn't upset anybody and get banned from being in charge. He once got a seven year film-making ban for flouting rules and being critical.
  • Re: Olympic Opening
    by geoffmorris at 22:23 on 08 August 2008
    I watched this earlier and it was fantastic. Unfortunately for us there is absolutely no way the UK can put on a show like that!
  • Re: Olympic Opening
    by Account Closed at 09:27 on 09 August 2008
    Well, to be fair, the UK have only spent, what, 9 billion (and rising) so far? If they keep cutting back on the arts, that would help bolster the coffers a bit. And if that's not enough - and it won't be - maybe further cuts to education, and maybe the NHS and other public services would do the trick.

  • Re: Olympic Opening
    by Jem at 09:30 on 09 August 2008
    I can only watch spectaculars for a limited amount of time, I'm afraid. I very quickly decided I'd have enough of that awful whiney singing. Did anyone see the Chines Acrobats snippet on Newnight Review the other night? Where the ballerina balances on the male dancer's HEAD!!!! I mean, great that it can be done at all, but....?


    crossed with pops. yes, they have a lot more to prove than we do. we could always get girls aloud.
  • Re: Olympic Opening
    by Cornelia at 09:31 on 09 August 2008
    Yes, it didn't disappoint. I loved the emphasis on the arts and culture of the dynasties. It's a shame one of the commentators coudn't pronounce it and kept saying 'dynastries'. I recorded it so I can watch it again with my partner.By the time he came back the national teams were streaming in, all in their own way just as thrilling because of the variety of national costumes and flags and the delighted faces of the athletes - although some looked simply awe-struck. Even after an hour, only fifty teams had come in, and we had to be elsewhere. I was pleased to notice that at 7.30pm the tape was still recording- I'd somehow put in on extended play. So I can enjoy the rest of the show later. I might even watch some of the sporting events.
