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  • Re: Big Brother?
    by Jem at 14:20 on 04 July 2008
    Luke is a complete bitch. I know what you mean about MarioLisa - you can't take offence and the miximotosis was hilarious. But what I meant was that because they have each other they're not really getting involved with the other stuff so nobody can really dislike them. I must say I love Lisa's Northern down-to-earth quality. She was quite right, IMO when she told Kat to stop crying and get a grip. All this 'Happy House' or 'Happy How' is starting to grate a bit. They certainly need someone to come in and put some joy into the house. It's like a broken record now, in there, everyone repeating their little script.

    Why don't they ever just talk about stuff though? If I was with a bunch of new people I'd love to know about their families, their experiences and -definitely - what their taste in books and films were. Surely some of them must go to the cinema some time?
  • Re: Big Brother?
    by Account Closed at 14:31 on 04 July 2008
    I think a lot of that everyday stuff is edited out, Jem. What amazes me is that they never talk about current affairs or the great debates of our times, there's never any good discussions like that - i think there was once, about 7 series ago, when there were a few older housemates. Since then it's all lite pop culture talk.

  • Re: Big Brother?
    by Cornelia at 14:40 on 04 July 2008
    Jem, I agree. Maybe they are afraid of coming across as too intellectual if they express any opinions or have interests beyond clothes, etc. Or perhaps the programme makers think it will alienate the audience. Maybe they are given a list of topics to avoid.

    I remember when Jen was talking about the prospect of a new female housemate she said how nice it would be to have a new person to talk to about 'makeup and handbags'. After all, as you said, it's thought endearing when somebody is really dim, like the one who thought she's caught myxomatosis from her rabbit. Wasn't there one last time - Jade, I think- who quickly established herself as extremely dim and went on to have a successful media career and made lots of money? Wasn't she the one thrown out for racism?

  • Re: Big Brother?
    by Jem at 16:38 on 04 July 2008
    Sheila, yes, it was Jade. She wondered where East Angular was. To be fair, there have been quite a few very thick ones. There was a lovely girl from Wales who used to say 'Lush' all the time. But she was sweet. Maybe it does get edited out, the interesting stuff. I notice that Mohammed is a student and Darnell, excuse spelling if wrong, is, I think, quite bright. Did you see the exchange last night when Kat and Mo were applauding Mikey because was able to punch the punchbag accurately? Good for Darnell, I thought, though Kat looked as if she were about to run off and complain to BB about negativity again. She hates to be challenged that girl!
  • Re: Big Brother?
    by susieangela at 18:56 on 04 July 2008
    Update: they're all going to be women, and will be announced in an extended late show at 1035pm. They are:
    * A sexy executive PA
    * A theatre director in her 40s
    * A model who has appeared in a Lynx advertisement
    Like the sound of the theatre director. Maybe she can sort out some of the drama queens.
  • Re: Big Brother?
    by Cornelia at 20:09 on 04 July 2008
    Yes, I like the sound of the theatre director, too. It might be Monday before I get to watch it.

  • Re: Big Brother?
    by Jem at 20:40 on 04 July 2008
    Susie - sounds brilliant!


    I'm seeing Jen's face now! (Oh, but she'll be chucked out by then, won't she?)
  • Re: Big Brother?
    by susieangela at 21:14 on 04 July 2008
    Yeah, tricky, isn't it? Would be great to see her nose put out of joint by the new babes, but equally would be great to see her go!
  • Re: Big Brother?
    by Luisa at 18:15 on 05 July 2008
    I know Belinda (the theatre director) - I've chatted to her quite a few times, and been to her theatre productions. How odd that she's on BB. I don't watch it but I might have to start!
  • Re: Big Brother?
    by susieangela at 18:36 on 05 July 2008
    Really, Luisa? What's she like? What kind of theatre company does she run? I don't think I could managed NOT to watch BB if someone I knew was on it!
  • Re: Big Brother?
    by Luisa at 18:48 on 05 July 2008
    She's great - a total extravert, one of those people who give you big bear hugs when they hardly know you. Also, she home educates her kids and I always want to ask her about it. She produces a surreal theatre show near where I live. Wait, I'll find a link...




    And my partner's just written about it on his site:



    (He's worked with her.)
  • Re: Big Brother?
    by susieangela at 19:28 on 05 July 2008
    How interesting - thanks for posting. I wonder why she decided to go onto BB - to make her views more widely known? Is it me, or is her site almost impossible to read, the font is so teeny?
    Will be watching with interest.
  • Re: Big Brother?
    by Cornelia at 19:59 on 05 July 2008
    This should be really funny. Just as well Jen's gone ( I saw a headline 'I'm too sexy for B.B.' says Jen) because I don't think Belinda is going to be interested in make-up and handbags. I wonder if she's meant to be a replacement for Dennis, the other performing arts person.



    I've been reading Myslexia today and Belinda's mission statement reminds me of the blurbs they include under competition-winner's pieces. I'd like to see her up against Darnell - or any of the men for that matter.
  • Re: Big Brother?
    by Luisa at 20:58 on 05 July 2008
    Hey, would anyone be at all interested in doing some 'Belinda-watch' posts for my other half's site? He prides himself on covering everything that goes on in arts and culture in our region, so this definitely counts. The trouble is that neither of us watch BB. He was thinking of a daily 50-word update, unless something major happens.

    There wouldn't be any payment but you can have your name on it and bring out your own issues too, if you want, and link to yourself. He has a pretty large readership, I think, and was shortlisted for a Media Innovation Award a couple of years ago.

    Feel free to completely ignore this, but WWMail me if you're interested and I'll send you his contact details. Thanks!
  • Re: Big Brother?
    by Luisa at 21:37 on 05 July 2008
    I don't think Belinda is going to be interested in make-up and handbags
    She's interested in everything, from what I know of her. Her personality is larger than life.

    It still feels extremely weird that I vaguely know someone in the Big Brother house! Oddly, I sometimes forget that they're real people.
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