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  • Greetings from a returning member
    by AlanRain at 22:33 on 01 August 2016
    Hello to all, especially the friends I knew the last time I was here. I think it was about two years ago, but time is flexible and often gets stretched.

    I had a novel, AnGal, up at the time, and it's almost complete now after numerous changes. I've also moved into formal poetry - as opposed to free format. I hope it's improved my prose.

    I'm on the 4-week trial, so let's see how it goes.

    So, how is everyone?

  • Re: Greetings from a returning member
    by Jennifer1976 at 08:54 on 02 August 2016
    I remember you, at least I remember the title your work AnGal (were you AlanH before?). I only joined in 2012 and it took me a while to dip my toes in properly, so I don't think we crossed paths much.

    I'm afraid the site is a shadow of what it once was, as so many of the old regulars have left. It's VERY quiet here, though there's recently been a little surge. The most active groups are Intensive Critique, Fast First Draft, Childrens's & YA, and the Poetry Writers' groups. Flash Fiction also has a bit of action, and occasionally the Short Story Writers' group and also Women's Fiction.

    Anyway, welcome back. I hope you enjoy your trial and decide to stay. smiley

    All the best,

  • Re: Greetings from a returning member
    by AlanRain at 10:37 on 02 August 2016
    Hi, Jenny,

    Thanks for replying.

    Yes, I was AlanH. I'm using my 'official' pen name now.
    Sorry to hear the site is very quiet, but it was like that when I left. Frankly, I'm delighted it's still around, as there were (are?) some fine writers in residence, and from the UK. If you've ever spent time time with US writers, you'll know the difference.
    It would be great if WriteWords did pick up again. Shortly before I left, a lot of work was done on a revamp. The pricing structure is also changed, and is now very reasonable.

    Yes, I know the Intensive Critique group well, (maybe, potentially, a little too intensive for some - haha,) and I'm certainly going to investigate the poetry group, and others.


  • Re: Greetings from a returning member
    by Bazz at 13:51 on 02 August 2016
    Hi Alan, welcome back :)
    The site is a bit quiet these days, but flash poetry and flash fiction have a pretty consistent weekly turnout, if you're interested :)
  • Re: Greetings from a returning member
    by AlanRain at 14:11 on 02 August 2016
    Hi Bazz,

    Flash is the one thing I haven't explored. I admire the skill of being able to condense, but I just don't think it's my strength. If flash poetry includes haiku and tanka, then I'm interested.
  • Re: Greetings from a returning member
    by Bazz at 19:13 on 02 August 2016
    Hi Alan
    Flash is certainly worth trying, it's a bit of a discipline, but one I've found has helped me as a writer. Flash poetry includes any form you like, haibun, haiku, tanka. Check out the summer challenge at the moment :)
  • Re: Greetings from a returning member
    by AlanRain at 09:10 on 05 August 2016
    Thanks, Bazz, I joined.

    Notable there are only a few groups now, but I suppose it's better than having a misleading collection of inactive groups. 
  • Re: Greetings from a returning member
    by Freebird at 11:56 on 22 August 2016
    Yes, I remember you as AlanH too :)
    Find your way around the livelier sections and you'll find the same support and banter as always
  • Re: Greetings from a returning member
    by AlanRain at 10:10 on 28 August 2016

    Find your way around the livelier sections

    Freebird, my post of 5 weeks ago is still at the top of the Forums page. I'm not sure where the 'livelier sections' are, unless it's within the groups..
  • Re: Greetings from a returning member
    by Alex29 at 19:26 on 05 October 2016
    Hey Alan good to see you - sorry I don't get out of FFD much as I got shy - which is bad for me - but peaceful for everyone else :) Any way glad you are around again  Best Wishes Marie-Claire :)
  • Re: Greetings from a returning member
    by AlanRain at 20:58 on 05 October 2016
    Hey, M-C, it's a lot quieter now since the last time I was here.
    Shy? Well, we all change as the years pass by. I hope your flock is thriving. I see you joined Critique Central. Good to have you there.
  • Re: Greetings from a returning member
    by Alex29 at 22:04 on 05 October 2016
    Ah - no sheep Alan - the house has been pulled down and rebuilt more or less this last 18 months and last summer I just could not keep track of the flock as well as be on duty with the building team  -  both the absent neighbours' fencing was dire in their fields that my lot grazed - and when you have 100 ewes and twice as many lambs wandering across all the neighbouring farms and there are no connecting gates it stops being a lot of fun - so I took an instant decision and they went to market and the lorries got stuck in the field (!) and in the end the whole district seemed to be dragged from their dinners to bring their tractors and ropes to get them gone... I had a Spring with out lambing for the first time in about 30 years - the 'silence in the fields' has been a trial to get used to - but at least I chose to sell I didn't lose them to a bank or disease etc and as we are still not back in the house I know it was the right thing to do. :) MC
    Oh and 'shy' is a euphamism for 'keeping out of the way' :)

    Edited by Alex29 at 22:05:00 on 05 October 2016
    Edited by Alex29 at 22:06:00 on 05 October 2016