Hi everyone
I've just joined and hoping to find some real help, much needed. New to writing and published my first effort on Amazon Kindle but desperately need some good solid feedback and proper critique if you like. Would anyone like to read my book and help? Grammar, Punctuation general writing style etc. the usual suspects.
I welcome every bit of feedback good, bad, indifferent as I'm a keen student and would like to work continually on the art of writing. After many edits and re writes I'm still unsure so if you're interested let me know how this can be done.
If you have a Amazon kindle account even better I can email it to that address and give you chance to read on the usual mobile devices as normal and away you go.
Please be frank I genuinely welcome honest feedback - but what I'm looking for is the 'why' it might be whatever your opinion is on the 'technical' elements.. Only way I can learn and adapt my game to improve as best as possible.
No worries if this is not the done thing I'm new here

so maybe someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks all - Cameron