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  • do song lyrics have a place on this site?
    by bastian Verdi at 05:25 on 06 September 2014
    i write songs and rap style music, not the gangster kind and i do not swear a huge amount........Just wondered if there were people on here who would be interested inb reading any of my work?thanks folks :)
  • Re: do song lyrics have a place on this site?
    by Manusha at 21:03 on 10 September 2014
    Hi bastian,

    I must say that, no, we don't really see lyrics on WW. However, having said that, lyrics have appeared once in the Intensive Critique group because it is an all genre group and so open to all forms of writing. The group is not particularly aimed toward song writing though so you might find it more helpful to find a site that deals more specifically with song lyrics.

    You are, of course, very welcome to post a story in an appropriate group (according to the genre) if you would like some feedback. Be sure to remember the golden rule and give feedback on other member's stories as well; that way you are far more likely to encourage comments on your own.

    Regards, Andy
    Edited by Manusha at 21:04:00 on 10 September 2014