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  • Hi everyone, I have a play that I want to see produced
    by Reggie Adams at 12:31 on 25 January 2014
    Am I in the right place?

    I have recently finished writing a stage play that I think others would enjoy and which would be good in our current social climate. I'm here to make contacts, recieve criticisms and get suggestions for finding a production company willing to take it on. It's called An Interview With Gadarfi (misspelled), its loosely based on the events of the Libyan conflict but dramatised to highlight some important concerns about the nature of global capitalism and the mainstream media's role in geo-politics. Although its about politics, world affairs and social change it is told through a very personalised journey and realistic relationships of journalist and family man Bellamy Johan. I think it would be equally appreciated by young and old alike and I think it would generate a lot of discussion.  

    It's my first stage play but I'm already an author of a work on political philosophy and macro-economics called Now Utopia. I'm also a campaigner for equality of citizenship and the founder of The Humanist Party. I'm determined to see this play put on and to maximise the attention I think it deserves. I've posted it so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Looking forward to chatting to new contacts. :)  
  • Re: Hi everyone, I have a play that I want to see produced
    by Manusha at 13:17 on 25 January 2014
    Hi Reggie, and welcome to WW.

    Your play sounds very interesting and I wish you lots of luck with it. If you would like offer it for critique, it is best to post in a group, because that is where critiquing takes place on the site. Join a group that is active and seems suitable for your work and post it there. At 18k words your work is rather long to post in one piece, and initially it would be better to post the first thousand words or so. The groups are based on reciprocation, and so to ensure you receive critiques, it is important to give critiques of other writers work. This pleasing harmony of give and receive will encourage others to comment on your play. smiley

    Regards, Andy
  • Re: Hi everyone, I have a play that I want to see produced
    by NMott at 15:02 on 25 January 2014
    Much as we like new members I don't think Writewords is the best site for this work. You'll find more help on the BBC's Writers Room website 
  • Re: Hi everyone, I have a play that I want to see produced
    by Reggie Adams at 15:10 on 25 January 2014
    ok, thanx
  • Re: Hi everyone, I have a play that I want to see produced
    by NMott at 15:38 on 25 January 2014
    Bear in mind that trial members can't edit their uploads, So saying that  a thousand   words or do would be better is academic. 
    Edited by NMott at 15:39:00 on 25 January 2014
  • Re: Hi everyone, I have a play that I want to see produced
    by Bazz at 16:08 on 25 January 2014
    It's a shame there isn't still a theatre group. I remember joining the last one, and it closed shortly after...
  • Re: Hi everyone, I have a play that I want to see produced
    by Manusha at 16:35 on 25 January 2014

    Bear in mind that trial members can't edit their uploads

    I didn't know that. Thanks for the info, Naomi.

    In that case, Reggie, if you choose to post in a group it might be helpful to add in your summary that you are happy if people initially only comment on the first thousand words or so, but are welcome to comment on more if they want.