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  • Hi Any Writers Want To Share Their Thoughts About Life
    by Mark121212 at 13:12 on 13 December 2012
    Hi my name is Mark and I am looking for writers to create a record about the world we live in.

    We have a new Website Uinvue.com that keeps a permanent record about peoples lives and the world we live using text, photo and video.

    All Public thoughts can be shared with others on uWorld where people can upload photos, videos, and text (Blog or Diary) about their thoughts on life the universe and everything (so long as it is reasoned opinions not offensive opinions). uWorld is a permanent record that will be passed on for future generations to see how we lived our lives today. The objective of uWorld is to bring the world closer together by understanding how different people from different cultures and with different beliefs live their lives as well as leave a record of ourselves for future generations to understand something about how we lived our lives today.

    So if you would like to add your thoughts about life and the world please visit uinvue.com (not sure if I am allowed to give site name) - it's all free btw and the site has over 40,000 members and it's growing rapidly so you could even start getting your own following.

    Thanks for listening Mark.