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This 128 message thread spans 9 pages:  < <   1   2   3   4   5  6  7   8   9  > >  
  • Re: Very quiet community?
    by Sappholit at 12:10 on 25 June 2012
  • Re: Very quiet community?
    by EmmaH at 12:16 on 25 June 2012
    One last round up of one point for Terry, Steerpike, and EmmaD.

    The privacy issue or The PRIVATE Members section.

    Again I'm not entirely sure why the three of you claim not to understand the point being made as other people oon the thread have managed quite well.

    Let's explain one final time.

    This is a paid for site.
    I said the site appears very quiet.
    Members (including you EmmaD) replied to that post to say that the site is quiet on the public boards - but very active in PRIVATE Members section.

    I replied, - trial members should be able to see the PRIVATE section befor they pay. TRY BEFORE YOU BUY - it's not an alien proposal.

    At which point some sensible people agreed.

    You three are now claiming you don't understand what I was saying!

    I can only suggest you read back from the beginning more carefully.

    Greentown, private or not, one thing most members of this site manage to do is not be patronising, rude and offensive. I won't even start on your comment about children's fiction.
  • Re: Very quiet community?
    by EmmaD at 16:56 on 25 June 2012
    Greentown, the point that the members-only parts of the site can't be accessed without paying is clearly heard, and the suggestion that this stops some people becoming members, because they can't see what they're paying for till they've paid, is something I think everyone's also heard.

    Various people have tried to explain what the groups and the private forums offer, and tried to help by linking that to what you say you're looking for (and not looking for) in a writers' forum.

    And so this:

    I'm a bit puzzled as to what exactly you want from the members. We're not site administrators - even if we wanted to we couldn't give you access to the private members forum. You should email David Bruce if that's what you want, put your arguments to him.

    and this:

    It's a proposal. Why not join and propose it? Or propose it before you join? Or just accept this is the way it's done here and go somewhere else if you don't like it.

    about sum it up, as far as I can see.
  • Re: Very quiet community?
    by helen black at 20:13 on 25 June 2012
    Greetown, you said the community was quiet.

    And the members say it's not inside.

    You ask how you can be sure if you're not allowed access.

    The member say you'll just have to take our word for it. It's not up to us to give you access.

    Seriously dude, you need to ask yourself why any of these members would bother saying something that aint true.

    Just join already. Or don't join.
    HB x
  • Re: Very quiet community?
    by greentown at 09:13 on 26 June 2012
    EmmaH Greentown, private or not, one thing most members of this site manage to do is not be patronising, rude and offensive.

    Or hypocritical
  • Re: Very quiet community?
    by greentown at 07:40 on 01 July 2012
  • Re: Very quiet community?
    by greentown at 14:15 on 11 July 2012
    Since my original post, I think people are actually making an obvious effort to post more often in the public forums.
  • Re: Very quiet community?
    by greentown at 07:34 on 12 July 2012
    Why not check out my Trial Review thread in the Newcomers section for an overview of the trial period.

  • Re: Very quiet community?
    by Forgham59 at 16:18 on 12 July 2012
    Another possibility of course and I am afraid I might be one of them insofar, that writers apart from dropping into the forum, actually write, whatever the genre and find themselves so caught up in their work that they lose track of time then have other tasks outside the writing world that they forget to respond. I do know what it is like as I am currently involved in some writing as well.

    I myself have just joined as a full member as I am so impressed with what I have seen and examined on the website but when one is deep in one's writing, it is very difficult to break off for fear of losing the momentum but yes, it would help if a few people dropped in to reply with some advice or pointers.
  • Re: Very quiet community?
    by Allana at 15:48 on 19 July 2012
    Can I just say that I read this thread beginning to end before I decided to join up and it helped me make my decision to become a full member (nothing ventured nothing gained ).
    What I have noticed is that there appear to be more postings now in the public area of the forum and that made it easier for me to decide whether payment was worth it or not.
    So thanks to greentown for posting this thread in the first place, otherwise I probably would have skipped right on by.
  • Re: Very quiet community?
    by GaiusCoffey at 15:58 on 19 July 2012
    Hi Allana,
    Welcome to WW, hope you get as much out of it as I have!
  • Re: Very quiet community?
    by Allana at 16:05 on 19 July 2012
    Thanks GaiusCoffey
  • Re: Very quiet community?
    by Steerpike`s sister at 12:48 on 21 July 2012
    Hi Allana, welcome and I'm glad something good came out of this thread!
  • Re: Very quiet community?
    by MartinEx at 16:02 on 20 November 2012
    Like another said above - read this thread through from beginning to end - fascinating - I've signed up for the trial and will check out the website further.
  • Re: Very quiet community?
    by EmmaH at 16:12 on 20 November 2012
    Welcome, Martin!
  • This 128 message thread spans 9 pages:  < <   1   2   3   4   5  6  7   8   9  > >