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  • will my ethinic group and Title as an African limit potential readers
    by Ubah69 at 01:59 on 30 December 2011
    Hi All,

    I was excited when I came accross this site and registered today.

    I want to start with writing a true story (non-fiction novel) based on my experiences over the years, but from an African point of view. I am a bit worried that as I fall under the ethnic minority group, readers will be limited to that group as well, which is what I do not want.

    Please correct me if I am wrong or any advise will be highly appreciated to put my mind at ease.

    Thanks in advance
  • Re: will my ethinic group and Title as an African limit potential readers
    by Katerina at 10:22 on 30 December 2011
    Hi, welcome to WW

    I don't know much about non-fiction books, but I would have thought if it was interesting enough, it would appeal to all sorts of people, not just ethnic groups.

    I often pick up a book that has a nice cover, then read the blurb on the back and if the story looks interesting to me, I'll buy/borrow it. I don't care who the writer is - by that I mean I'm not bothered if they are African, Japanese or British - a good writer is a good writer in my opinion

    Good luck, hope you enjoy Writewords, it's full of friendly, knowledgeable people

    Kat x
  • Re: will my ethinic group and Title as an African limit potential readers
    by GaiusCoffey at 11:12 on 30 December 2011
    I think it's all down to what you, as writer, put the emphasis and focus on. I think you'd have to travel a long way these days to find somebody who would be put off reading something based on the race / culture of the writer. If you tell a good story in an interesting way, there is no reason why it would not appeal to others.

    But, of course, you also have to think about how it is marketed. For example, [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Yes-But-Good-Jews-Bring/dp/0141034009/ref=sr_1_fkmr2_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1325242715&sr=1-3-fkmr2"]this[/url] (by a respected agent) is a textbook example of how to narrow your market down to almost zero by using the wrong title. I mean, seriously, it is actively offputting to most people outside of that culture (and probably a large proportion of those in it). Not surprised it has no reviews.

    By contrast, Amy Tan writes her books with Chinese culture and references but a) the writing is brilliant b) the stories are incredible and c) they are marketed in an inclusionary way so that they are good novels first and Chinese second.

  • Re: will my ethinic group and Title as an African limit potential readers
    by EmmaD at 12:11 on 30 December 2011
    Hello Ubah69, and welcome to WW

    Good advice from Katarina and Gaius

    I think this is a genuinely tricky issue, because there are very mixed messages: there's definitely an appetite for writing in English from outside the boundaries of the US and UK - one of the major agencies has even opened an office in India to find it. But I remember Roger Morris (who writes as R N Morris) saying on WriteWords that within the space of a week he'd heard one agent saying "I can't sell anything set in Africa" and another agent saying, "What's really selling is anything set in Africa".

    Readers do read for the particular interest of a world which they don't know, but they also very much need the story to resonate with their own experience. So I think Gaius is right that one thing to look at is how to broaden the appeal outside an African audience - how the story you're telling, though rooted in your experience, also has a universal appeal. And then when you do approach agents or publishers, you need to make clear both the authenticity of the world you're writing about, but how it appeals beyond that, as a story.

    You could have a browse on Amazon or in a big bookshop, to find books which would appeal to the same kind of market, and see how they tackle the same problem: what do the blurbs say? How are they written?

    I know that I've had a very good book about life writing recommended to me but for the life of me I can't remember the title. I'll try to find out and post it here.

    One small point: this:

    (non-fiction novel)

    isn't a category that the book trade recognises here or (on the whole) in the US. A novel is always fiction.

    What you're doing is best described as "life writing" - using the techniques of fiction to tell a true story. Another term might be "narrative non-fiction" or possibly "memoir".
  • Re: will my ethinic group and Title as an African limit potential readers
    by Ubah69 at 13:11 on 30 December 2011
    Hi Kat,

    Thanks a lot, at least its comforting to know that I have a chance. I was a bit biased that once they see the African (Nigerian Name, most readers might be reluctant to pick it up.

    Although my story will be mostly based on my experiences while living in the UK
  • Re: will my ethinic group and Title as an African limit potential readers
    by Ubah69 at 13:25 on 30 December 2011
    Hi Gaius,

    your advise is appreciated. It as if you read my mind regarding the title. I have been practising on my title and trying to avoid any racial/cultural implications.

    I will look at Amy Tan novels also
  • Re: will my ethinic group and Title as an African limit potential readers
    by Ubah69 at 13:56 on 30 December 2011
    Hi Emma,

    Your advise is taken on board, especially about broadening my story line, so that all groups will be interested in reading it instead of a few minority.

    I also note your correction on the type of book/story.

  • Re: will my ethinic group and Title as an African limit potential readers
    by Freebird at 16:36 on 30 December 2011
    There are many books - ficion and non-fiction by African and other ethnic authors. And I often pick them up because of that very reason! I read loads of Chinese literature before I ever met a Chinese person, and there are some wonderful African authors that get published internationally.

    You don't need to worry about it at all - you just need to focus on making sure the writing is good enough and that the story has something to say that will make people want to read it.

    And welcome to WW!
  • Re: will my ethinic group and Title as an African limit potential readers
    by Ubah69 at 17:10 on 30 December 2011
    Thanks Freebird,

    I just can't wait to start now