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  • just got my first rejection!
    by eurostar at 22:23 on 16 July 2011
    Hi all!

    I've just started querying US agents for my first novel (chick lit, or women's commercial fiction, or whatever you prefer).

    My character and her story are particularly American (as indeed am I), and I think it's mainly American readers who would relate to her.

    One rejection has already come in, from an infamously fast-replying agent.

    I have a question. I apologise if it's covered elsewhere - if it is, I haven't been able to find it. I've been reading all I can about queries and have revised plenty, but I could stand to workshop this query. Is there a place here to do that? And is there a possibility of doing it privately with one of the group leaders? (I got the impression somewhere that you could, but that seems too good to be true!)

    Many thanks in advance, and I'll see you around the forum.


    ETA: I live in the UK, hence the explanation about why I'm querying in the US. Sorry. Long day!
  • Re: just got my first rejection!
    by Astrea at 22:40 on 16 July 2011

    Bad luck. But at least you've started the process, so all the best for your next submissions!

    The group you want is Naomi's synopsis and outline, I think. I'm sure I've seen some postings there to do with US queries, and some very helpful links.

  • Re: just got my first rejection!
    by eurostar at 22:42 on 16 July 2011
    Thank you! I've checked out that group but wasn't sure this was appropriate for it - will investigate further.
  • Re: just got my first rejection!
    by NMott at 22:55 on 16 July 2011
    Hi, Eurostar, and Welcome to WriteWords

    Bad luck on the rejections, but it's something we all have to go through on our way to publication.

    I see you've joined the Synopsis & Outline Group which is where members usually upload Queries, Synopses, etc, for feedback. If you set it to be visible to 'Group Members Only' then it will be pretty private - best to get over the fear of other people seeing it if you're sending it out to Agents and their interns, secretaries and slush-pile readers, etc.

    As it's Chick-lit/Womans Fiction you might also consider joining the Womans Fiction Group and uploading your opening 2000 words there for feedback. The Site works best with reciprocal feedback and we're encouraging everyone not to be shy about critiquing their fellow members work freshly uploaded in their Groups.

    If you need any help navigating the site then just give us a shout.

    - NaomiM


    Just to add, it's best not to rush into submitting before your Query, etc, is ready. An agent will remember queries they've rejected so you rarely get a second chance to impress with the same mss.


    If you haven't found them already, then Query Shark and Nathan Bransford's blog offer excellent advice on writing Queries:




    ...but there is nothing better than 3rd party feedback to see if it's coming across the way you hope.
  • Re: just got my first rejection!
    by eurostar at 23:11 on 16 July 2011
    Hi Naomi,

    Thank you.

    So it's OK to just post my query or synopsis straight to the group/s? Or am I supposed to put it in the Archive area?


    And yes, I'm all over Nathan, and Query Shark is in the queue.
  • Re: just got my first rejection!
    by NMott at 23:28 on 16 July 2011
    It can go straight into the Group.

    When you upload you'll see a question 'Which Group?' and Synopsis & Outline should be listed with a circle in front to click in, and it'll upload it there, (otherwise it'll go into the Archive by default).
    If you don't see the Group(s) listed then you need to give Admin a little more time to add you to the Group.

    If you want to upload it into two or more Groups then you'll have to do it as 2 or more separate uploads, and there is a 2 day waiting period between uploads (it's so members have time to read and comment).

    When you upload another item in the Group then oyur old one will automatically be stored in oyur personal archive where you can make it visible to yourself only, if you wish, via the Owner Edit facility.
  • Re: just got my first rejection!
    by Steerpike`s sister at 13:20 on 17 July 2011
    Hi eurostar - as an ex-resident of Brussels, I like your username
    Congrats on your first rejection! It's a rite of passage. Maybe we should start up the Rejection Thread again? We used to have this really good thread where members would set themselves a goal of getting, say, 5 rejections per month, and congratulate themselves and others when they reached their target. The idea was to get yourself into the habit of making submissions and coping with rejections, so as to turn them into a posititve thing (I sent it out, which was brave and committed) rather than a negative thing (I got rejected).
  • Re: just got my first rejection!
    by eurostar at 22:05 on 17 July 2011
    Thanks, Naomi. The query's uploaded.

    Steerpike's sister: Thanks. The rejection thread sounds like an excellent approach. Maybe we could revive it and call it the 'submissions thread' - sending out positivity into the universe and all! Either way, I'd happily take part.