Can people comment on a work without it being assigned to a group? |
Yes, but they rarely do...
Groups are definitely preferable as there is a reciprocal vibe that gets going and makes it easier for you can to crit back for any crits you receive, so making it more likely for you to get re-critted later...
As an observation, my problem with critting the script-style pieces I've seen on WW is almost always length rather than content. I think it may have been Bazz who opined that scripts should be taken whole, which is fair enough, but it puts even more pressure on the reciprocal ethic - ten-thousand words is still ten-thousand words, even if it is spaced neatly in bite-sized headed chunks. I would be unlikely to be willing to read that much for somebody else without having an equally massive chunk that I wanted a crit on. Certainly, I'd be reticent to try the drive-by critting that I sometimes do with shorter pieces.