I joined the site just over two years ago and thoroughly enjoyed myself. However, medicine took over my life and left no time for writing. Now qualified, I've returned (prompted by a chance discovery of Emma D on Twitter) and hope to pick up the threads. I've joined under a different user-name, as my old password (and email) were lost in the ether. I used to be (and still am) Joanna C but now masquerading as Seth'smummy.
I have just joined as a guest and am a tad confused by all the buttons and how it works. Do you tend to upload pieces of writing and wait see what happens?
From what I remember, you join one of the groups and upload your work for people to comment on ... some of the groups are more active than others, I think. If you make it visible to all WW members then other people can comment on it as well - although possibly post asking for feedback, so people know it's there!
Yes, as a trial member you can join a group (as Seth's mummy says, have a look at how active the ones you fancy are - but you can change groups) and upload a piece of work. If you decide to join fully, then you can belong to lots of groups. You can just upload a piece into the archive, but people probably won't find it.
And welcome to WW. NaomiM, the Site Host, will be along soon, I've no doubt.