I'm already on Litopia, another great forum and I'm hoping to become a full member there as well but I was drawn by curiosity here also and discovered to my delight the Intensive Critique group that I have summarily joined and I look forward to rolling my sleeves up and critiquing and receiving critique. I've uploaded a SS I've been working on so please do go and have a read of it and let me know what you think. I am not afraid of tough responses, I welcome them, you don't know where you're going wrong without them.
(Bit about me ;p) I'm 33 and have been writing for many years, sometimes seriously, mostly on the side in amongst the manic rush of daily life (mum of three argh). I graduated last year from Staffs uni with a first in Writing and I hope to go on for a Masters and PhD as I'd really love to teach at uni level. I have also re-caught the serious writing bug so I'm pulling out all the stops and getting stuck into some hardcore writing. I've a few WIP, the main being a novel (parts of which I'll pop up on the group sooner or later) and some SS for comps (one of which is up now ;p ).
Looking forward to getting to know folks here