My fellow members of Writewords, Thanks for replying to my introduction.
emmaD, A very succinct point. It's very easy to get stuck in a loop if your creativity starts to flag. Before I even begin to write the story, I write a synopsis, then if I get stuck with the plot I will refer to that. As I tend to write in bursts I think that a synopsis is essential to keeping the story on track. I can then change the synopsis if I think the outline of the plot is not running right.
If I find I am writing in circles, then I will stop and do something else until my inspiration returns or if I work out a solution to a problem then I refer to the synopsis to check it's validity, then I read what I have written previously, then I start writing again.
It's all good clean fun!
Paul Hannaby
Hi Paul, you may find it easier just to hit the 'reply' button on your original thread rather than start a new one.
<Added>oops, I see you did.
<Added>I'll just pop a link in back to the original thread: