Hi PJ, and welcome to WriteWords
My personal preference is past tense because that's what I've grown up with. I've had to 'train my ear' to understand novels written in present tense, although I've yet to read one all the way through.
Two excellent novels I've read recently which have part of the book written in present tense are Jennifer Donnelly's A Gathering Light, and Stef Penney's The Tenderness of Wolves, but in both cases the authors chose that format because a lot of the story was in flashback which was conveyed in the past tense.
I've tried reading other historical fiction novels which were all in present tense (eg, Rose Tremain. Music & Silence (-? I think)), but found it an anachronism.
Present tense does work very well for first person Young Adult (ie. Teen) Fiction, if the 'voice' is right.
- Naomi
<Added>I should have added, if you need any help navigating the site, just give us a shout.