Hi, Mark, and welcome to WriteWords
If yuo need any help navigating the site, just give us a shout.
Another problem is I am embarrassed about people reading what I have written |
Oh, me too!
It's a fear that affects us all (it's a wonder anyone gets published, we'd probably all prefer to be cowering under our beds clutching our manuscripts shouting, "go away, you won't understand it"...Or maybe not).
4000 words is just the start of the journey - Hemingway once said (apparently) you need to write a million words before you can call yourself a writer - well, maybe that's a bit on the high side, but a few tens of thousands is probably a good place to aim for.
A another author once said 'If you don't write it, you can't edit it', and perfecting the writing comes in the editing.
So keep writing, start editing, and sooner rather than later, you'll find you're a significant way towards your first million.
- NaomiM
<Added>Oh, and I'm a 4 fingered typist, which probably explains all the 'yuo's in my posts.
<Added>...although, stangely not in this one. Probably because your question promted me to look at my hands as I typed and count the number of fingers I was using. - um, 5 this time.