Usually you get an explanatory email when you join a group, but that doesn't help when you haven't chosen one yet
For general info. you can take a tour of the site:
For a list of groups, click on Groups at the top of the webpage:
Or click on Writers' Forum on the top right, and you'll see the groups listed down the right hand side of the page.
As for which group to join, that partly depends on what you're writing - be it short stories, novel, SF, Crime, etc. Some groups are quieter than others, so for a represntative range of feedback it's best to join one of the more active ones (it's worth checking the dates of postings in the gourps to see which are quieter than others).
There will be a short wait while your application to join is pending. Then it's simply a matter of uploading a piece of work. There is a 2 day wait between uploads, although it can take members a week or two to get round to reading it, so probably worth waiting a fortnight between uploads (your earlier work will automatically be stored in the Archive when you upload something new).
With regard to feedback, the site relies on reciprocal critting between members within the groups. You can join as many groups as you want (depending on available space) but that will increase your critting load. You can also move around the groups until you find one you're comfortable in.
It's also worth putting up a note in Topics section of the group when you upload new work, and you can put a link to it in the Introduce Your Work forum, otherwise it can be overlooked if members are busy.
(PS. If the group you want to join is full, send a WWmail to the group host asking if space can be made for you).
- NaomiM