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  • reviewing - help pleeeeeeeze!!!
    by portobelloprincess at 03:01 on 01 September 2007
    Hi everyone - As a newbie, I am slowly finding my way round and I love reviewing ( having just completed my first two) however, I do not know how to get the quotation box thingy so would be grafeful if someone could tell me...(yeah, its a real newbie question) but I have been doing things in italics and the boxes make the words stand out better!
    hugs and smiles across the miles
    Linda B x
  • Re: reviewing - help pleeeeeeeze!!!
    by Colin-M at 09:39 on 01 September 2007
    Highlight the text you want to quote, then click on the "quotes" icon,

    like this

    or use the square brackets and put {quote} at the front and {/quote} at the back (I used curly brackets, otherwise it will see it as the actual instruction.
  • Re: reviewing - help pleeeeeeeze!!!
    by portobelloprincess at 12:22 on 01 September 2007
    Thanks Colin - I will do this on my next review................
    smiles across the miles
    Linda B