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  • Can`t get Directory Access
    by 66yve at 23:29 on 20 June 2007
    Hello all,
    I've just subscribed as a Directory Member which states I should be able to view details, including comments, within the directory. When I go to Literary Agents and click on a name, however, I get a message saying I must be a full member to access the information. I don't understand, can anyone clarify this for me?
  • Re: Can`t get Directory Access
    by Nik Perring at 23:47 on 20 June 2007
    Welcome to ww. I'll ask the question (as I've got no idea myself!).

  • Re: Can`t get Directory Access
    by Dee at 06:36 on 21 June 2007
    Hello and welcome.

    From the colour if your icon, it looks like you may have inadvertently signed up for the month’s free trial, which doesn’t allow access to the directory. Have you paid anything yet? If you have, go to the top right-hand corner of the screen and click on ‘Log Out’, then log back in.

    If that doesn’t work, see what answer Nik comes back with.



    tsk! the colour of your icon... too early in the morning!
  • Re: Can`t get Directory Access
    by david bruce at 07:30 on 21 June 2007
    Hi Yve
    This is because you seem to have created two accounts - I'll get in touch privately to sort it out
  • Re: Can`t get Directory Access
    by Nik Perring at 11:28 on 21 June 2007
    Is everythiing sorted now, Yve?

    If there's anything you need help with then give either myself or Dee a shout.

    Welcome aboard!
