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  • Greetings all :)
    by LadyShamisen at 15:21 on 12 March 2007

    My name's Gabby, I'm 26 from London/Devon and I write to live. Not financially but because if I didn't write I'm sure I would shrivel and die.

    Please excuse my posts here - there will undoubtably be typos and poorly written babbling, but please don't judge my writing on the basis of my posts.

    I've been writing seriously since I was 13 and think I must have my 10'000 pages of cr@p out of my system now, which means I hope that soon I will get somewhere. I'm currently finishing off the 'final' (ha!) draft of my children's book - the first in a long series, I hope, and I have started writing an adults book which has a great premise but isn't exactly writing itself, so we'll see how that goes.

    Also, I'm an ex English teacher and an ex children's librarian. I'm also a rat-obsessive. I'm bipolar, bisexual and one seriously dumpy frumpy chick with a short attention span and enormous knockers.

    I hope you'll like me
  • Re: Greetings all :)
    by nessiec at 15:49 on 12 March 2007
    Sounds like you'll fit in perfectly! Welcome to WW. I'm writing a series for children too. Good stuff.
  • Re: Greetings all :)
    by sazzyjack at 16:04 on 12 March 2007
    Welcome to WW Gabrielle. Great to 'meet' you!
    You should drop by the children's group and say hi. It's full at the minute, but that doesn't mean you can't post and introduce yourself.
    Nik and Dee are the site hosts and will be happy to answer any questions you might have while you are finding your feet. (BTW Nik is also the host of the children's group.) But we're all a friendly bunch, so never be afraid to post a question for everyone to answer.
    Welcome again and I look forward to reading your work.
  • Re: Greetings all :)
    by Colin-M at 18:08 on 12 March 2007
    That's got to be the best intro post I've seen yet. Welcome aboard Gabrielle. It's a great place.

    Colin M


    what age group do you write for? There's also Young Adult and Teen groups, which are pretty much the same thing; members cross post and comment on each other's stuff.
  • Re: Greetings all :)
    by Dee at 19:19 on 12 March 2007
    Gabby, welcome.

    As Saz said, Nik and I are site hosts – here to help you find your way around – so feel free to ask.

    Love your intro!

  • Re: Greetings all :)
    by Nik Perring at 19:31 on 12 March 2007
    Howdy Gabby and welcome.

    Yup there's groups for all ranges - from writing for young children thorugh to teen (and various other adult ones).

    If you need any help give me or Dee a shout.

  • Re: Greetings all :)
    by Account Closed at 15:45 on 13 March 2007
    Welcome, Gabby

  • Re: Greetings all :)
    by Sappholit at 20:19 on 13 March 2007
    What a great intro, Gabby.

    Good to have you here.
  • Re: Greetings all :)
    by Jeremiad1971 at 11:57 on 14 March 2007
    Hello Gabby,

    Good to have you you on board.

    You are obviously the go-to-girl when we need advice on how to write an effective entrance.


  • Re: Greetings all :)
    by Sappholit at 15:12 on 15 March 2007
    And after that superb entrance, she disappears. . . .

    Come back, Gabby.