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Heresy by JDM

  • Hello out there!
    by SOOTYSMUM at 00:50 on 28 February 2007
    I'm new to writing, infact, I've just posted my first ever poem on this site! I wondered if anyone could recommend a good book to act as a guide to the pitfalls/hints and tips etc. for writing? I'm cutting my teeth so to speak on poetry, got a short story which needs polishing, but would eventually like to submit to magazines, publishers etc. Any comments/thoughts/suggestions anyone?
  • Re: Hello out there!
    by Lammi at 08:25 on 28 February 2007
    Can you give us more of an idea of the sort of genre/area you're interested in? My advice would be to read lots of good published authors in the same field rather than 'how to write' books - it'll certainly be a more pleasurable experience and I would argue a more effective way of learning about writing.

    And welcome to WW!
  • Re: Hello out there!
    by EmmaD at 08:43 on 28 February 2007
    Welcome to WW, Sootysmum.

    I'd agree with Lammi that the most important thing is to read vast amounts, both of the kind of thing you're trying to write, and more widely.

    But I think it can be helpful to have some ideas of ways to get going with a piece. You could have a look at The Creative Writing Coursebook, which is edited by Julia Bell and Paul Magrs. And I know that Linda Anderson's Creative Writing has been well-spoken of on WW.

    The best way to get consistent feedback on your work, by the way, is to join a group or groups. You learn an enormous amount by reading others' work and commenting on it in that context, as well as getting feeback on your own.

  • Re: Hello out there!
    by SOOTYSMUM at 09:55 on 28 February 2007
    Hello Lammi ad EmmaD,

    Thank you for your advice. I am writing short poetry (I very much like the impact of the 'flash' stuff I've seen on WW), just as a way of getting started. I hope to continue this and expand into short stories. I tend to write from experience and very much seem to use my pen to express my own emotions, so maybe we're talking 'real life' as a genre? I have submitted a poem (entitled 'colours' and hope to receive some feedback, good or bad, as a start.

    I now have the 'Writers Coursebook' as mentioned and will read, read, read!!

    Thanks again,

  • Re: Hello out there!
    by Nik Perring at 17:59 on 28 February 2007
    Welcome Sootymum!

    I can't really offer anything more than the advice you've already had. Iy may be worth sending James Graham, WW's resident poet and poetry expert a ww mail. He may be able to recommend some good reading.

  • Re: Hello out there!
    by Dee at 18:27 on 28 February 2007
    Hi, Sootysmum, and welcome to WW.

    If you're new to writing, it’s good to explore all avenues to find out where you're eventually drawn.

    For inspiration, I can heartily recommend Writing Down The Bones, by Natalie Goldberg. This edition in particular:
    ISBN-10: 1570624240 / ISBN-13: 978-1570624247

    It’s a tiny, plump little book that you can keep in your pocket or bag to browse through whenever you need inspiration.


  • Re: Hello out there!
    by Nik Perring at 18:52 on 28 February 2007
    Think I might have a gander at that - thanks Dee!

  • Re: Hello out there!
    by debac at 14:00 on 06 March 2007
    Creating Short Fiction by Damon Knight is brilliant. Most of it also applies to novel-length stuff. Instead of just chatting about things, or supposedly being inspirational, it actually tells you the nitty gritty of how to do it. It's on Amazon.

  • Re: Hello out there!
    by Mitten1 at 03:03 on 27 March 2007
    Try David Lodge's "The Art of Fiction".