Daft question (as my friend would say) but on the home page there is something called Latest Directory Updates. It seems to be a continual cycling list of agents and publishers. How do you know what is being updated?
Not a daft question at all!
It's a Forth Bridge painting job - an endless cycle as you say. Things are forever changing in the world of publishing and magazines. We did masses of research to compile the directory but a three year old entry might be of no use. Happily some publishers and agents inform us of changes to their circumstances but some don't. Also our subscribers very kindly provide information but we cannot totally rely on these sources so we use the mighty power of the internet to glean up-to-date data. Our web master has set up a 'last updated' sequential system so that no entry is neglected. On the basis that the printed directories appear annually we try to ensure that we are as near as possible working on 'last updated' entries which are 12 months old or less.
So, as long as the entries in the 'Latest Directory Updates' keep changing you know that we are doing our job!
Richard (Directory Editor)
And you do a blinkin' top job, Richard. One which is much appreciated.