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  • Being removed from a group for inactivity
    by debac at 12:27 on 31 January 2007
    What activity in a group counts as activity from the POV of not being removed? I mean, clearly uploading and commenting on others' work count as activity, but for instance if you take part in group threads and comment on others' work but haven't uploaded for a while are you still in danger of being bumped?

    Not that I intend being inactive - just trying to find out what the ground rules are.

  • Re: Being removed from a group for inactivity
    by Account Closed at 15:01 on 31 January 2007
    Activity - as far as i'm concerned - just means taking part in general, Deb - in the group threads, uploading, commenting, as long as you're doing one of these things every now and again.

    To be removed is pretty rare, unless a group becomes full and the space is needed, and usually the members who are removed are those who haven't posted or uploaded for weeks - i think every group has a few 'silent' members who join and, for whatever reason, never get around to participating.

    So don't worry! Our group is going through a quiet patch at the moments for uploads but, is still quite 'active', ie we're all communicating with each other.

    Casey x
  • Re: Being removed from a group for inactivity
    by debac at 16:07 on 31 January 2007
    Thanks Casey...

    I wasn't worried about our group, but I also joined Novel 2 because I wasn't sure which was the right group for me, and I want to be active in both and find out which suits me best, and then leave one if I can't keep up with both, or stay in both if I like both and can keep up. So I just wondered what counted.

    It's a really good idea having a Newcomer forum so us newbies can ask silly questions and not feel too silly doing so...

  • Re: Being removed from a group for inactivity
    by Account Closed at 16:13 on 31 January 2007
    Hmmm, i wish it had been around when i joined - especially for questions about those all important smileys
  • Re: Being removed from a group for inactivity
    by Nik Perring at 17:42 on 31 January 2007
    I think Casey's answered this perfectly. To be 'active' in a group, as I understand it, means you must be commenting on work in the group and uploading work - I'm not sure whether taking part in Group Threads counts (as it doesn't show up in the 'Last Activity' bit).

    Doesn't sound like you've got much to worry about. And as Casey rightly says, people are only removed if they're taking up space and not participating.

    Hope that helps!

  • Re: Being removed from a group for inactivity
    by debac at 13:23 on 01 February 2007
    Thanks Nik. That clarified nicely. Reason I asked really was that someone either left or (I think) was removed from one group where they'd taken part in a group thread fairly recently but last activity was shown as about 3 months ago. Your answer explains this.

  • Re: Being removed from a group for inactivity
    by Account Closed at 15:49 on 01 February 2007
    We recently had a group member, Deb, who hadn't been active for MONTHS (posting, uploading or commenting) and was only recently removed because WF briefly became full.

    Strictly speaking, though, 3 months inactivity is allowed, (1 month in busy groups).

  • Re: Being removed from a group for inactivity
    by debac at 11:18 on 02 February 2007
    Thanks Casey.

    And I also want to thank you for so often answering my queries. If in the middle of a busy thread I sometimes haven't commented back directly to you because the thread has moved so fast, but I want you to know it's much appreciated...
