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  • Doing it in public
    by Dee at 08:25 on 06 January 2007
    This is for anyone who wants to know how to do something on the site but fears they’ll look stupid for asking.

    No question is too stupid to ask… well, a customer once asked me what was the difference between oat flakes and barley grain, which I thought was pretty stupid… but as far as WW goes, anything goes. So don’t feel nervous about asking anything. You can almost guarantee that someone else is wondering the same thing and will thank you for raising the question.

    Obviously, for anyone who prefers privacy, I’ll be very happy – and I'm sure Nik will too – to provide help through WWmail.

  • Re: Doing it in public
    by Nik Perring at 22:04 on 14 January 2007
    Yep, I will.

    And as someone very wise once said to me, the stupid question's the one you don't ask.

    If I can help, I will.
